What is web positioning?

May 13, 2020

Positioning of websites is one of the elements of broadly understood internet marketing. Defined as a process the consistent implementation of which leads to the highest possible position in organic search results. These results are displayed in search engines such as Google, Yahoo! or BING, for words entered by users or a sequence of words, the so-called key phrases. (keywords)

Żródło: www.google.pl

E-commerce users who want to use a product or service on the Internet most often go for the services of the American giant - Google LLC. This search engine is the most popular in the world, in Poland alone, its services are used by approximately 97.59% of Internet users. Positioning activities mostly lead to building a strong position in the search results of this search engine.

Żródło: https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/all/poland

High positions in organic search results, the so-called SERP (SERP Search Engine Results Page) allow companies to acquire new customers, build brand awareness in the long term, or raise prestige.

Positioning brings the best results when strictly positioning works are implemented together with graphic, programming, copywriting works and in relation to a previously developed marketing strategy. Building a consistent image on the Internet often allows companies to significantly increase their turnover and consolidate their position in the eyes of customers. Consumers more and more often use the Internet to search for products or services.

Source: https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/all/polandunity-group-e-commerce-w-polsce-moze-przekroczyc-100-mld-zl-w-tym-roku-6507248780777089a.html

Why is positioning important and what is its purpose?

By carrying out the process of website positioning, we strive to ensure that it is in the highest positions in the search results, for as many keywords as possible, which are closely related to our brand, its products or services. Thanks to this, we can achieve the sales or image goals set by us, generating the expected traffic and conversions.

Contrary to paid search results (so-called PayPerClick ads), for example advertising in GoogleAds, positioning will allow you to acquire customers at a relatively low cost, and its effects may be visible for a long period of time. The most frequently recommended method of selecting keywords is the so-called long tail positioning. It is a sequence of at least three words, eg tailoring accessories Łódź.

What is the website positioning process? 

The process leading to a website achieving high search engine positions is divided into three basic stages:

  • Optimization (technical + content) directly on the website (onsite)
  • Activities beyond the website itself (offsite), e.g. link building process, the so-called Link building
  • Copywriting, Content marketing

SEO + Link building + content = high rankings generating traffic on the website

What to pay special attention to when starting the positioning process?

The industry in which we operate. Depending on whether we run a website, information website or a business card website, the positioner should prepare an appropriate positioning strategy, properly select a set of appropriate activities to the budget. It should be determined whether you should focus more on content marketing or, for example, creating link building. Most often, both strategies are combined in order to increase traffic on the website and achieve goals, e.g. image and sales
The market we operate on. Specific positioning activities should be performed if we want to attract clients on the local market, e.g. in Gdańsk, and other ones if we focus on the national or international market
Competition. The positioning strategy for companies operating on a less competitive market should be defined differently than where the competition is very strong.
The status of our current site. Has any optimization work been done? Is our website modern and friendly to search engines and users? Does it have a unique, professional design?
Current position in the search engine. Are we high on the keywords we enter in the search engine? At least on the first page? What are our current results? How do our positions compare to the competition?

Positioning of websites is a continuous process, the effects of which are most often noticeable after about 3-6 months of positioning work. Positioning is a process that requires the right combination of technical optimization, content marketing or link building...

How much does website positioning cost?

It is not possible to answer this question unambiguously. Most often, the minimum budget allocated to positioning in Poland is PLN 500 / month for website positioning, and from PLN 1500 / month for online stores. Many factors affect the cost of positioning a given website: the industry in which we operate, goals, the condition of our website, the age of the website and dozens of other factors.


Would you like more information on website positioning or other marketing services? Feel free to contact us.



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